Monday, August 17, 2009

France - Saturday, June 27

An email to my mother....

Well I made it to Nice. The train ride was a little less than 6 hours and i had a window seat so it was nice and scenic. i didnt have a map so i was counting on a taxi driverto know where my hotel was. i got in the taxi line and fisrt like 3 elderly couples cut in front of me...not dying old, just retired old, but plenty able bodied. when i was finally first in line a taxi came but then a really old and disabled woman came limping up on her cane, so it went to her. then q nother came, but so,ehow another disabled old lady had appeared. so finally after like 20 mins in the cab line i get one, and he tells me he cant take me to my hotel bc the streets are blocked off. then he just drives away as i try to at least ask which direction the hotel is. ahhhhh so irritating!

so i spot a tourism office next to the train station and go in for a map, the guy tells me its only about a 15 min walk, it was more like 20-25, but at least i finally made it. its not really sunny; but instead an overcast muggy hot. the hotel is super cute (minus the 4 flights of stairs) and is right off of a main plaza with lots of shops, its a pretty happening area. the hotel is family run and the woman running it had her cute little baby with her. which reminds me...on the train, there was a woman with a baby behind me and it kept making whimpering noises and i thought at first geeze this baby makes a lot of noise, then later i thought actually this babys noises are really weird. after ahile the wo,an got up and moved seats and it was really a tiny little dog, not a baby. it got real annoying by the end of the 6 hour ride.

i spent a coule hours walking around, checked out the rocky beach and some of the shops. nice is nothing like paris, it reminds me of spain and italy with the crowded plazas and gelato shops in every other windowfront. im only here tonight, then i go to cannes early tomorrow afternoon for 2 nights. this was just a quick stop in to see what nice is all about. its nice not having a list of a trillion sites i need to see and just relax and walk around, but i have to say, i miss gotten so familiar with the layout and how things work. this morning the woman at the patisserie id been to 3 days in a row asked if i was leaving today, and last night the internet cafe man told me that i know where my home is since id been in his shop before.

thats all for now!!



 Gelato, in the shape of a flower

 The toilet on a balcony across from my hotel room....when you gotta go, you gotta go...

 The beach in Nice

Marzipan animals -- too cute!

1 comment:

  1. Nice doesn't sound so nice... =D

